Monday, 29 September 2014

Homework Task


There are three key stages during the production procedure.

1. Pre-Production -
During this stage all of the planning for the project (film) occurs. The production is separated into specific scenes  and the 5 parts of Mise-en-scene are acknowledged; the locations, props, costumes, visual and special effects and the cast members. The script is also written during this stage (unlesss it has been previously completed) and an in depth timetable is created with arrangements made for the required people to be available to the film-directors/producers ar the most suitable and convenient times.

2. Production - 
All the filiming is done during this second stage, all the scenes discussed and planned in the pre-production have been filmed in the correct locations. The director decides how many times each scene is filmed as they want to ensue the best quality footage will be used to create the film. This procedure is where the film-makers see whether what they planned in the pre-production is good enough. As it is difficult to make sure all the required shots are taken and the filming is done in the correct manner, directors have to be careful, otherwise it is virtually impossible to repeat particular events if the filming is not finished.

3. Post-Production - 
This is where the editor puts the film together but first of all the editor has to create a 'rough cut' which is based on individual shots taekn from the different scenes. They then have to create a 'fine cut' which means that they have to get all the shots to flow together making the film look seamless. a process called 'Trimming' occurs during the post-production stage, this is where the scenes are reduced by seconds, minutes or frames. In addition the graphics, music and menus are also added to the film. Once the fien cut has been showed to the directors and they approve the picture is 'locked' menaing no further changes are needed and is ready to be released. 

The definition of independent production is when the artist/director can produce and control things on there own.

 - Paramount Studios
Paramount studios is one of America's main film studios


Distribution is the way in which things are dispersed from the original owners to the consumers and how the customers receive the product/film. For films to be sold to different cinemas the studio that originally created the film has to agree to a lincensing agreement with a distribution company which then means the distribution company shows the film to potential customers and has control of the number of copies produced. For the films to be leased the buyers and the distribution company have to agree on what film(s) they liked the best and are most likely going to sell. After the decision has been made copies are sent out to the cinemas/theatres where they are available for consumers to watch in a limited amount of time. This process occurs between multiple distribution companies and studios.

Video on demand is a newer way of distributing films as it allows users to view films when they want to instead of waiting for broadcasting times which is more convenient to them and therefore increases the sales of the films watched.

Film festivals are organised annual events where films are shown in various screening venues or even outdoors in a particular city or region. For example the 'Berlin International Film Festival'. To get a film into the festival the film studio/ film-makers sell copies of their film to the festival itself. There is a time where it is free for dsitributers to release their film and it is known as the 'release window', this allows the distribution companies to elude any competition.


Marketing is the action of promoting/advertising and selling products or services which includes market research.

Examples  -

By Avatar making multiple trailers in different countries such as China and Spain allows the distribution company to get a bigger audience and therefore an increase in sales as the awareness and understanding of the film has been distributed globally adapting to any communication problems that might occur. This is a great way of marketing as it is guaranteed to proliferate sales and therefore profit 


Audiences can see films in multiple ways for example at the cinemas, on demand, on the internet, downloads, movie channels, DVDs etc.

Box Office is a place at a theatre/cinema where tickets are bought or reserved, it usually tends to be exclusive films showing how successful the film actually is. After a fiom has been released it is generally the directors/film-makers that gain most of the profit. 

Cinemas make their money by confectionery as people love to eat and drink whilst watching films, tickets and advertisements of brand new released films. They can aslo get their money by offering discounts and deals such as 'Orange Wednesdays' and 'Family Tickets' this will attract more customers and therefore increase their annual sales. By doing this it prevents customers staying at home to watch films instead. 


The BFI stands for The British Film Industry. They are required to entertain and educate people about the arts of television and film to individuals within the UK. This helps the British Film Industry as it creates awareness to the consumers so they can acknowledge and understand the beauty of film and would appreciate it more and hopefully encourages them to wacth more Britsih films. 

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